
David Lynch: Interview Project

October 20th, 2009 by eric

David Lynch: Interview Project

David Lynch’s Interview Project

Garrett Lisi: TED talk on his theory of everything.

September 19th, 2009 by eric

Garrett Lisi: TED talk on his theory of everything.

Garrett Lisi’s talk at TED regarding his “An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything”

Nate Silver & Conn Carroll Video.

June 16th, 2009 by eric

Nate Silver & Conn Carroll Video.

Nate Silver & Conn Carroll interview

CNN Video Blog: Freshman Year

April 15th, 2009 by eric

CNN Video Blog: Freshman Year

CNN has a pretty interesting video blog done by two freshmen Congressmen Jason Chaffetz and Jared Polis.

Cyriak/Pilooski Beggin’ – Frankie Valli video re-mix

December 13th, 2008 by eric

Cyriak/Pilooski Beggin’ – Frankie Valli video re-mix

This is a pretty amazing video!

Benford’s Law

September 4th, 2008 by eric

Benford’s Law

Benford’s Law roughly stats that values of measurements in nature often have a logarithmic distribution.

MVC Pair Programming Videos

August 23rd, 2008 by eric

MVC Pair Programming Videos

ASP.Net MVC Site has some new paired programming videos featuring Charlie Pool of NUnit.

The Hitchcock/Truffaut Tapes

April 8th, 2008 by eric

The Hitchcock/Truffaut Tapes

I was looking on amazon for Truffaunt’s book “Hitchcock” and came across this site that some of the audio tapes that led to the book. It’s a great insight to a master.

MSDN Security Videos

April 6th, 2008 by eric

MSDN Security Videos

MSDN currently has 26 videos regarding security for everything from securing data using symmetric key encryption to preventing cross site request forgery.

The Star Wars Holiday Special

September 6th, 2007 by eric

The Star Wars Holiday Special

Just came across this and never even knew it existed – The Star Wars Holiday Special. Needless to say it is pretty amazing as it has everything in it: Chewbacca’s family, Bea Arthur, Jefferson Starship and “Life Day”!! Check it out.
