Cheap GPS and Code Project Tutorial

January 28th, 2008 by eric

Cheap GPS and Code Project Tutorial

I came across a tutorial today on Code Project called “Mapping with a GPS and C#”. I then found this cheap usb GPS receiver on Amazon for $29. And so begins a new little project I would like to try out.

Flash Force Directed Graph

August 21st, 2007 by eric

Flash Force Directed Graph

I came across this nice little flash force directed graph today. It was put together by Creative Synthesis.

Forecasting Dates

August 12th, 2007 by eric

Forecasting Dates

So this is a little thing that I have been working on – nothing too interesting but, I like it. Essentially, if you have a dataset with time on the x axis and a projected goal this function will tell you the exact date your data projection will intersect with your goal.
